Opening of LAMDIK Field Assessment for Educational Administration Study Program

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Educational Administration Study Program on Friday 24 February 2023 held a Field Assessment to obtain A or Superior Accreditation status. In the presence of Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, M.Pd (Yogyakarta State University) and Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniadi, M.Pd (Indonesian Education University) as the Assessor team from LAMDIK.

In his remarks, the Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya Prof. Widodo, S.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.Med.Sc said that it was time for the Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program at FIA UB to receive Superior accreditation because this study program has the highest level of strictness in entering the Social Sciences field in UB . In addition, the Chancellor also asked to prioritize public openness in all processes of conveying information and assessments. The Chancellor also expressed his hopes for the Assessors to provide direction so that the Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program is getting better and will be even better. "Please provide directions and input, because all directions and input are very meaningful for improving the quality of the Bachelor of Education Administration study program," said the Chancellor.

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