Closing Ceremony of AQAS Online Site Visit for FAS UB Cluster II

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(16/12) AQAS Online Site Visit series for the FAS UB II Cluster has been completed. Sarjana's of Education Administration Study Program, Sarjana's of Library Science Study Program, and Master's of Higher Education Management Study Program attend this international accreditation. This agenda was closed by submitting general comments from the Panel of Experts. Representing the Experts, Prof. Ursula Georgy said that the management and facilities at FAS UB were generally excellent. Dean of FAS UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D., invites all parties to pray that the three study programs can be accredited 'unconditionally.' Meanwhile, the Team Leader of the Task Force, Dr. Hermawan, M. Si, is optimistic that the objectives of this activity can be achieved optimally. The new accreditation results will be known in May 2023.

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