Working with Government of Batu City, Educational Administration Program Implements the DOKAR Program

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(24/11) FAS UB’s Educational Administration Study Program successfully held an activity called Program Dosen Berkarya (DOKAR) with the theme “Digital-Based Internship Learning System Planning, Control and Evaluation in Education and HR in the Batu City Government Environment”. Dokar held in collaboration with FAS UB’s Educational Administration Study Program and Batu City Government Development Administration Section. Several Educational Administration Study Program students were invited to this event as participants to learn about Human Resources Management, accompanied by Dr. Abd Qadir Muslim, S.Pd.I, M.Pd (Secretary of the Study Program). This activity was also attended by Dr. Hermawan, S.IP., M.Si (Head of the Study Program) who conveyed that the implementation of this activity added a lot of insight, especially in HR management, it is hoped that this learning activity will continue. Dr. Abdul Rais, S.Pd., M.Si (Head of Batu City Government Development Administration Section) as the speaker in this activity delivered many things regarding the Planning, Control, and Evaluation System for the Digital-Based Education and HR Sector which has begun to be implemented within the SKPD scope of Batu City. With the existence of this digital system, it is hoped that it could increase the effectiveness in controlling development within Batu City.

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