Tourism Student Association (HIMAPAR) FIA UB Holds a Provocation Seminar entitled "Don't Be a Traveler"

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[:en]Still in series Tourism week, Tourism Student Association (HIMAPAR) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a "Seminar Provocation" event. The event which was held on Tuesday (3/10) in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor was entitled "Don't Be traveler”.  

Instead of inviting people to be traveler, the theme “Don't Be traveler” was chosen as a form of provocative promotion that would attract the participants' interest to take part in this seminar. "It's a tourism seminar, why is the theme 'Don't be traveler' anyway? Because later it can attract them to join this event, "said Chief Executive M. Hafizh Samudra. Apart from that, according to Hafizh, the theme is also intended to invite tourists not only to enjoy their journey, but also to be able to produce works.

The three presenters in Provocation shared their experiences about the world of traveling

In his remarks as well as opening, the Head of the FIA UB Tourism Study Program Yusri Abdillah, S.Sos, M.Sc, Ph.D revealed that from this event it is hoped that more tourists will emerge which can trigger more attention and improve tourism infrastructure in Indonesia . Yusri emphasized the importance of developing the tourism sector through seminars like this to grow a generation that cares about tourism. "Tourism is currently the core of the sector, so it is hoped that it can improve the economy and welfare," added the man who holds a doctorate from Ritsumeikan University, Japan.

This seminar invited three speakers with different backgrounds, namely Fiersa Besari (traveler, musician, book writer), Febrian (travel bloggers), and Luthfi Maizakusuma (extreme traveler). This seminar was able to invite the enthusiasm of many participants, not only from UB FIA students but also students from outside UB. “Don't just us dream of wanting to go out and want to go there (overseas). But try to dream of getting people from there to come to Indonesia, and show what Indonesia is like," said Fiersa Besari when motivating the participants to do more for Indonesian tourism.[:]

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