Ditulis pada tanggal 1 September 2015, oleh nurjati widodo, pada kategori Pengumuman


Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science back to host major international events, namely Southeast Asia Governance Forum 2015, which will be held on 11-12 November 2015 in the Hall Building A Floor 4 Faculty of Administrative Science. The theme is taken from Works Making Good Governance in Southeast Asia (Encouraging Quadruple Helix Model in Good Governance Implementation), is a competition that involves all the scientific work study program in Public Administration Strata 1 in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

This event is expected to become an annual event embryos Governance Model Competition, which will begin in 2016.

Acara SGF 2015 Depan_resize

Acara SGF 2015 Dalam Indo_resize

Download link:

  1. Paper Template
  2. Paper Guideline