Ditulis pada tanggal 22 August 2015, oleh nurjati widodo, pada kategori Pengumuman

Advised to all students of Faculty of Administrative Sciences Graduate Program, in order to KRS programming Odd Semester FY 2015/2016, the student must overlooking Lecturer Academic Counselor with a draft KRS to hold consultations before the academic program online KRS. The schedule and conditions set forth as follows:

  1. Consultation Draft Lecturer KRS with PA: 24 – August 28, 2015
  2. Programming KRS Online: 24 – August 28, 2015
  3. Proposed Form TA KRS Odd Semester 2015/2016 can be downloaded here.
  4. Validation groove KRS can be downloaded here.

Students who are unable to attend, still required to contact Lecturer Academic Advisor to discuss the draft KRS. Evidence of consultation may be an email from the lecturer Academic Advisor and / or other evidence that could be accounted for. Students who did not carry out communication and / or met with Lecturer Academic Advisor to conduct academic consultation and validation of the draft KRS, then the submission KRS for Odd Semester FY 2015/2016 is considered invalid and may be canceled by the faculty.

Thus this announcement to be a concern for all parties concerned. thanks.

Academic Sub FIA UB