Ditulis pada tanggal 22 August 2015, oleh nurjati widodo, pada kategori Pengumuman


In connection with the Registration Administration and Academic Semester Academic Year 2015/2016 Odd and implementation Evaluation System based studies by the UB, the entire student body Undergraduate Program (S1) class of 2008, 2009 and 2010 are not yet complete (yet to implement comprehensive examination) to be present at:

Today     : Wednesday – Friday
Date        : 26 – August 28, 2015
Time        : 9:00 to 3:00 p.m. GMT
Points      : Academic Sub Section, Building B, First Floor FIA UB
Attractions: Evaluation of Undergraduate Studies

Students concerned shall present yourself at a predetermined time and met Mr. M. Bisri / Wempi Naviera Mr / Ms Ruth Kurniasari to report progress to further study and do programming independently KRS.

Similarly, in order to be a concern for all parties concerned and for the cooperation we extend our thanks.

Malang, August 21, 2015
A.n. Dean
Head of administration
Ub. Subsection Academic,
Jaedi, SP
NIP. 19671013 199501 1001