Kategori : Pengumuman

Tracer Studi merupakan salah satu instrument penting dalam rangka continuous improvent di pendidikan tinggi. Pelacakan alumni (Tracer Study) diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi alumni setelah mereka lulus. Aktivitas ini juga diperlukan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian keilmuan Ilmu Perpustakaan dan sains informasi dan dokumentasi dengan dunia kerja, termasuk pula serapan lulusan pada dunia kerja. Hasil tracer study ini juga […]

Posted in 03.12.2019 | readmore

Berikut kami kirimkan Jadwal Ujian AKhir Semester (UAS) Ganjil TA 2017/2018 yang akan diselenggarakan mulai tanggal 16 – 29 Desember 2017, yang dapat didownload dibawah ini : Jadwal UAS S-1 Ilmu Administrasi Publik Jadwal UAS S-1 Ilmu Perpustakaan Jadwal UAS S-1 Administrasi Pendidikan Jadwal UAS S-1 Minat Perencanaan Pembangunan Jadwal UAS S-1 Minat Administrasi Pemerintahan […]

Posted in 06.12.2017 | readmore

Jadwal Pemetaan Kompetensi Bahasa Inggris (TOEFL) Tes pemetaan dilaksanakan pada: Hari        : Tiap hari Sabtu Tempat  : Unit Pengembangan Bahasa-Brawijaya Language Center                   Lantai 2 Gedung Inbis, Jl. Veteran Malang Pukul      : 08.00 sampai selesai Tes akan dilaksanakan dalam 4 ( empat ) sesi. Sesi I          : Pukul 08.00-10.00, untuk 200 peserta Sesi […]

Posted in 02.06.2016 | readmore

ANNOUNCEMENT Notified to the students of S1 of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science in connection with the holding of guest lecture will be held on: Day / Date: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 Time: 09.00 s / d Finish Venue: Hall fourth floor of Building A FIA – UB Speaker: Dr. Otto Nur Abdullah (National […]

Posted in 19.04.2016 | readmore

Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science back to host major international events, namely Southeast Asia Governance Forum 2015, which will be held on 11-12 November 2015 in the Hall Building A Floor 4 Faculty of Administrative Science. The theme is taken from Works Making Good Governance in Southeast Asia (Encouraging Quadruple Helix Model […]

Posted in 01.09.2015 | readmore

Announcement Follow up and confirms the announcement of the Dean of the Faculty of Administration No. 10988 / UN10.3 / KM / 2015 dated August 13, 2015 which have been published previously, informed back to all the old students who have not followed or have not graduated PKKMABA to immediately enroll and pay attention to […]

Posted in 29.08.2015 | readmore

No       : 020/Spn/PKK-MABA/ADIRAJA/VIII/2015 Lamp   : – Hal      : Surat pengumuman Hallo maba   Kepada Yth. Seluruh mahasiswa baru Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Di tempat   Assalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Sehubungan dengan akan diadakannya PKK-MABA ADIRAJA FIA 2015, maka diberitahukan bagi mahasiswa baru FIA 2015 yang membutuhkan informasi tentang PKKMABA dapat hadir pada: Hari/Tanggal   : […]

Posted in 29.08.2015 | readmore

Advised to all students of Faculty of Administrative Sciences Graduate Program, in order to KRS programming Odd Semester FY 2015/2016, the student must overlooking Lecturer Academic Counselor with a draft KRS to hold consultations before the academic program online KRS. The schedule and conditions set forth as follows: Consultation Draft Lecturer KRS with PA: 24 […]

Posted in 22.08.2015 | readmore

Berikut ini diinformasikan penyesuaian Kode Mata Kuliah yang berlaku pada Semester Ganjil 2015/2016 sebagai berikut: Prodi Ilmu Administrasi Publik Prodi Ilmu Perpustakaan Prodi Administrasi Pendidikan * Sistem Paket Semester I Prodi/Minat Ilmu Administrasi Pemerintahan Prodi/Minat Perencanaan Pembangunan Prodi Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis – Alur Mata Kuliah Baru Prodi Perpajakan Prodi Pariwisata Prodi/Minat Bisnis Internasional Informasi tambahan […]

Posted in 22.08.2015 | readmore

ANNOUNCEMENT In connection with the Registration Administration and Academic Semester Academic Year 2015/2016 Odd and implementation Evaluation System based studies by the UB, the entire student body Undergraduate Program (S1) class of 2008, 2009 and 2010 are not yet complete (yet to implement comprehensive examination) to be present at: Today     : Wednesday – […]

Posted in 22.08.2015 | readmore
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