Kategori : Berita

Secara resmi Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya menerima kunjungan dari Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta. Kunjungan tersebut dilakukan oleh Universitas Mercubuana Jakarta untuk belajar atas keberhasilan Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi khususnya Program Studi Administrasi Publik mendapatkan Sertifikasi AUN QA

Posted in 19.11.2017 | readmore

Congratulation to Depatment of Public Administration, Brawijaya University has successfully conducted a guest lecture tittled ‘China’s Public Diplomacy in ASEAN: Emerging Trends and Prospects in Indonesia delivered by a keynote speaker Prof Motoko Shuto from Tsukuba University Japan and as Disscussant by Firda Hidayati, DPA and as moderator by Fadillah Amin, Ph.D

Posted in 19.11.2017 | readmore

ANNOUNCEMENT No. 16 256 / UN10.3 / AK / 2015 Notified to the students Forces 2012/2013 Study Program (S1) Public Administration, S1 Prodi Library Science, Public Administration Interests S1, S1 Interests Planning Faculty of Administrative Science in connection with the holding of Socialization Internship / CCN and Sounding International Internship which will be held on […]

Posted in 16.11.2015 | readmore

Innalillahi wa inna Ilaihi Rajiun. Jurusan Administrasi Publik kehilangan salah satu figur dosen terbaiknya, Dr. Muhammad Saleh Soe’aidy, M.A., telah berpulang pada hari Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015, pukul 15.10 WIB di Rumah Sakit Saiful Anwar (RSSA) Malang. Almarhum meninggal dunia setelah dirawat di ICU RSSA selama tiga hari setelah sebelumnya mengalami serangan stroke. Kemarin malam […]

Posted in 21.08.2015 | readmore

Menindaklanjuti pengumuman dari Sistem Informasi Akademik Mahasiswa (SIAM), berikut ini disampaikan jadwal untuk Registrasi Akademik Semester Genap Tahun Akademik 2014/2015 sebagai berikut: Angkatan 2008 – 2010: 2 – 6 Pebruari 2015 Angkatan 2011: 5 – 6 Pebruari 2015 Angkatan 2012: 4 – 6 Pebruari 2015 Angkatan 2013: 3 – 6 Pebruari 2015 Angkatan 2014: 2 […]

Posted in 29.01.2015 | readmore

Department of Public Administration FIA UB will hold the International Guest Lecture on the theme: Public Policy in Quantitative Perspective, November 24th, 2014. As the speaker is Anwar Fitrianto, M.Si, Ph.D from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). According to the plan, this event will be held in Building A Floor 4 Faculty of Administrative Science, and […]

Posted in 20.11.2014 | readmore

University of Brawijaya ( UB ) host Youth Rally Administrators through Indonesia. A total of 84 young from more than 20 university administrators participated in this activity . At this year’s meeting theme based Development Policy Local Excellence . Chairman of the Supervisory Affine Kurnia Online to PRASETYA deliver annual meeting has been held since 2005 […]

Posted in 26.09.2013 | readmore

In order to improve the knowledge and insight into the world of education , students at the University of Satya Wiyata Mandala , Nabire , Papua, who are conducting street vendors ( Job Training ) at Unit Training Singosari visits ( comparative study ) on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at the Department of Public Administration […]

Posted in 22.03.2013 | readmore

Monday-Friday (4-8/7/2011), Prof.. Dr.. Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin lecturer at the Faculty of Administration has attended the International Congress of Administrative Sciences in Lausanne – Switzerland. The congress was organized by the IIAS (International Institute of Administrative Sciences) with the theme “Global Problems And National Regulations: Challenges to Regulatory Strategies”. On that occasion, he also pioneered collaboration […]

Posted in 10.08.2011 | readmore