Ditulis pada tanggal 23 February 2013, oleh nurjati widodo, pada kategori Kegiatan
Department of Public Administration , Faculty of Administration , UB held a public lecture on Friday, February 22, 2013 , at the 2nd floor of building B . The college invited Dr . Ir . Fadel Muhammad as the main speaker .

Participants of this lecture is that students take courses Government , Business and Community ( Public Administration Program ) , Capita Selecta Entrepreneurship ( Public Administration Program ) , and Entrepreneurial Government ( Administration Program ) . The guest lecture was organized in three sessions , with details at 07.30 ( session 1 ) , at 09.00 ( session 2 ) , and at 13.30 ( session 3 ) . As for acting as a moderator in a row at the event was Ainul Hayat , S. Pd , M.Si , Dr . M. Soeaidy Saleh , MA , and Dr. . Imam Hardjanto , M.AP.

The main purpose of this lecture is convening as improving the quality of students in the understanding of the course being taken . This activity is a routine event held every semester at the Department of Public Administration , FIA – UB . ( ec )