Paduan Suara Mahasiswa FIA UB Raih Juara 1 di World Choral Expo 2015

Administratio Choir (AC) kembali menorehkan prestasi di tingkat internasional. Tak tanggung-tanggung, kelompok paduan suara mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) itu memborong dua gelar pada kompetisi yang bertajuk “International Federation of Choral Music: World Choral Expo 2015”. Pada even yang dihelat di Makau itu, tim AC berhasil merebut Juara 1 untuk kategori Mixed Adult Choir dan Juara 2 untuk kategori Mixed Youth Choir.

Tim Administratio Choir berfoto bersama di Makau

Tim Administratio Choir berfoto bersama di Makau

Pada gelaran kompetisi paduan suara kelas dunia itu, tim AC menyuguhkan beberapa komposisi andalannya, di antaranya Verlorene Jugend, Kyrie Eleison, dan Cantate Domino. Dengan modal latihan keras, tim AC berhasil memenangkan persaingan ketat dengan 60 tim peserta internasional lainnya, di antaranya berasal dari Tiongkok, Hongkong, Singapura, dan Malaysia.

Ketua Umum AC Elyzabeth Mauli menuturkan bahwa perjuangan dirinya bersama 39 orang rombongan tim lainnya ke Makau bukanlah perjalanan yang mudah. Ia menceritakan bahwa seluruh rombongan tim sempat harus bermalam di bandara Makau karena mereka baru bisa masuk ke penginapan pada keesokan harinya. Elyzabeth juga menuturkan bahwa salah satu kendala yang mereka hadapi selama berada di Makau adalah bahasa karena hampir seluruh panitia hanya bisa berbahasa Mandarin. “Pernah juga kami harus kena marah warga setempat karena harus berlatih di taman kota. Mau bagaimana lagi, kami tidak ada tempat representatif untuk berlatih selama di sana,” ujarnya.


Tim Liputan

Artikel: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Foto: Maria Shelvianita Natalia

Student Choir of the FAS UB Won the 1st Position on World Choral Expo 2015

Administratio Choir (AC) regained some achievements at the international level. Thorough, the student choir group of the Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) bought up two titles in a competition, titled “International Federation of Choral Music: World Choral Expo 2015”. At the event which was held in Macau, AC team successfully won the 1st Place in the category of Mixed Adult Choir and 2nd place in the category of Mixed Youth Choir.

Tim Administratio Choir berfoto bersama di Makau

 Administratio Choir Team is taking a picture altogether at Makau


On that world-class choir competition, the AC team presented some of their best compositions, such as Verlorene Jugend, Kyrie eleison, and Cantate Domino. With their hard work, AC team managed to win the tough competition with other 60 international teams which came from China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia.

Elyzabeth Mauli, AC Chairman said that her struggle with other 39 members to Macau was not an easy journey. She said that the entire team had to spend the night at Macau Airport because they can only go to the hotel next day. Elyzabeth also said that one of the obstacles they had faced while in Macau was the language, because almost the entire committee could only speak in Mandarin. “At the other day, we also had to get angry by the local residents because we were practicing in a city park. What else can we do? We have no representative place to practice in there,” she said.



Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Maria Shelvianita Natalia