Tourism Course Structure (S1) - Semester 1


Course Structure

The Indonesian language course is a personality development course that aims to instill basic human values through the national language. In particular, the application of good and correct Indonesian in scientific writing (academic writing) in various fields of science is a means of developing science and technology that must be mastered by students. The substance of this course is directed at the experience of learning spoken and written Indonesian in a systematic and logical way through listening, reading, writing and scientific speaking activities. On the technical aspect, this course equips students with the skills to explore ideas (content thought), write logically and systematically (organizational thoughts), write scientific and popular writing styles (style thoughts), as well as realizing scientific and popular writings in their scientific fields (purpose thought). Apart from that, the rules for scientific writing (scientific conventions) in Indonesian were also introduced which were integrated with efforts to form a mindset based on a scientific paradigm.

The Pancasila Education course is a Personality Course that explores and implements the values and wisdom of the archipelago which are crystallized in Pancasila. The substance of this course is directed at building a rational-critical Pancasila paradigm related to student discipline in responding to national-scientific issues, as well as implementing Pancasila values in national and humanitarian realities which are in line with the application of science and technology as a form of intellectual responsibility and moral. The ultimate goal of this course is expected to be able to form individuals with Indonesian character based on the Pancasila value system.

In this course students learn the basics of statistics, including how to collect data, present data well, organize and group data, measure data concentration, measure data uniformity, index numbers to be applied in business and economic cases. .

The Financial Management course discusses the main functions of financial management Investment Decisions, Financial Decisions, And Dividend Policy, as well as strategic financial issues.

This course will provide students with knowledge about marketing concepts and processes, marketing opportunities, applied marketing mix, concepts digital marketing as well as knowing the current trends in destination marketing.

The Cross-Cultural Studies course in the Tourism Studies Program is a course that focuses on understanding and appreciating cultural diversity in the tourism context. This course covers topics such as cross-cultural perception and interaction, the impact of tourism on local culture, and how to communicate effectively and culturally sensitively in a tourism context. The aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to interact with various cultures within the tourism industry, promote understanding and respect for cultural diversity, and prepare them to work in a multicultural environment.

This course examines the basic concepts of interpersonal communication and self-concept. Apart from that, through this course, students will be taught about verbal and non-verbal communication both verbally and in writing as well as practicing it.

The Administrative Ethics course is designed to discuss ethical principles and professionalism in public or business administration. Its main objective is to prepare students to face the ethical and moral challenges that administrators and managers often face in their daily practice. Topics that are generally discussed include the basic concepts of ethics and morals, the application of ethics in administration, professional codes of ethics, organizational social responsibility, and the implications of unethical actions in administration. Students will also learn how to make ethical decisions in difficult or complicated situations. Overall, this course aims to help students understand the importance of integrity, transparency and accountability in administration.

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