Simulation of LAMDIK Visitation by Educational Administration Study Program

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The Sarjana's Program in Educational Administration (PSAP) is preparing steps towards re-accreditation of study programs. The plan is for the accreditation visitation to be carried out by LAMDIK to be held on Friday-Saturday, 24-25 February 2023. Two LAMDIK assessors will be present at FIA UB, namely Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, ST, M.Pd (Yogyakarta State University) and Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniady, M.Pd. (Indonesian education university). For this reason, on Monday (20/2), PSAP held an Accreditation Visitation Dirty Rehearsal.

The Simulation is in the form of a simulation of the actual visitation later. It's just that the duration of each session is compressed, so that the implementation is only one day. Among the sessions prepared by PSAP are interview sessions with faculty management, the quality assurance team, the form preparation team, lecturer representatives, education staff, students, alumni and external users. The Dirty Rehearsal agenda was guided directly by FIA UB's internal assessor Prof. Dr. Sumartono, MS.

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