FIA Floods with Achievements in the Competition for UB's 52nd Anniversary

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If in several big cities there are water floods, then what happens in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is flood of accomplishments. After previously being crowned as the 3rd winner in the Cleanliness Competition at UB level, now it is the turn of the educational staff to present the trophy to FIA. Still in the UB's 52nd Anniversary event, several championship numbers were won by the FIA. Here is a list of his achievements:


  1. 1st Place in Sack Race Competition, brought to you by Rachmi Amalia and Kathy Nur Islami.
  2. Champion I Long Clogs Contest, brought to you by Lailatul Fajriah, Emy Sulistiorini, and Evy Suwarni.
  3. 2nd Place in the Tug of War Competition, brought to you by Tohari, Suprayitno, Sumarsono, Heru Siswanto, Anang Ma'ruf, Sukaryono, Poniran, Fatih Laksana, Agus Prayitno, Samsul Hadi, Suryat Mojo, and Widi Rhomansa.
  4. 3rd Place in the Stilts Competition, brought to you by Suprayitno and Suklisno.


In the future, the academic community will continue to make achievements, both from education staff, lecturers, and students. (ALA/FIA)

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