To all students of Class 2016, 2017 and 2018, Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (PSIP FIA UB).

We hope you are in good condition and enthusiastic in completing your studies at PSIP FIA UB.

As a step to ensure the quality of education and optimal learning experience, we invite you to attend study evaluation activities. This evaluation will help us understand your learning process and progress, identify areas of improvement, and improve the quality of the study program.

This study evaluation activity will be carried out on:

Day and date           : Thursday, November 16 2023

Time                               : 09.00 – finished

Place                             : Ged B meeting room, 3rd floor (in front of the elevator)

Agenda                             : Evaluation of student studies

We greatly appreciate your contribution to this evaluation process. Your presence and participation will help us create policies that are beneficial to study programs and students, as well as provide students with a better learning experience in the future.

Thank you for your attention and presence. We look forward to meeting you in this evaluation activity.

Head of the Study Program

FIA UB Library Science



Dr. Farida Nurani, S.Sos., M.Si


The official invitation and list of student names can be downloaded at the following link:

Student Call Letter



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