Community Service by FIA UB Lecturers

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FIA UB Lecturer Team Collaborates with Students to Provide Socialization and Workshop on Digitalization of Dynamic Archives to Village Office Employees

Doc. Community Service Activities with the Theme of Building Archives

Malang – Tegalweru. In a real effort to contribute to society, the Lecturer Team at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) has carried out Community Service in Tegalweru Village, Malang. This team is led by Dr. Drs. M. Shobaruddin, MA, as Chair, and supported by team members, namely Asti Amelia Novita, Ph.D, Rispa Ngindana, MAP, and Endry Putra, MIKom.

This activity was carried out at the Tegalweru Village Office on 3 May and 8 June 2023, covering two sessions to have a wider impact on the local community in general, and on village office managers in particular. The theme raised by the FIA UB lecturer team this time was Archives Development with the activity title "Dynamic Archives Digitization for Effective and Efficient Village Archives Management." This reflects awareness of the importance of understanding and utilizing technology in increasing the efficiency of archive management at the village level.

Not only did it involve a team of lecturers, this activity also succeeded in establishing good collaboration with the Library Science Student Association (HMPIP) FIA UB which was coordinated by Fitria Ramadahani. This collaboration shows the synergy between academics and students in realizing beneficial activities for society.

Doc. Evaluation of Community Service Activities with the theme Building Archives at the Tegalweru Village Office, Malang

During the activity, the team from FIA UB received support and assistance from Mr. Budi Santoso as Village Head and Mr. Dian as Head of Planning at the Tegalweru Village Office. Pak Dian stated that this activity really helped the archiving process at the village office because there were still many files and documents that had not undergone the digitization process. He also added the hope that this kind of collaboration could continue in the future, bringing sustainable benefits to archive management in villages.

This Community Service activity not only creates concrete solutions in terms of archive management, but also strengthens relations between universities and the community. Hopefully the results of this activity can have a sustainable positive impact and become an inspiration for similar initiatives in other places. (EP)

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