Visit to FIA UB from the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Bina Taruna University, Gorontalo

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Visit to FIA UB from the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Bina Taruna University, Gorontalo


Malang—On July 3 2023, the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Bina Taruna University, Gorontalo, made a special visit to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIA UB). This makes the academic atmosphere at FIA UB even more colorful. This visit is an example of better cooperation between two educational institutions that focus on developing administrative sciences and social sciences.


FIA UB staff and lecturers warmly welcomed the delegation from Bina Taruna University Gorontalo in an event full of the spirit of cooperation and learning. The main aim of this visit is to facilitate academics and administration and social science professionals to exchange experiences, knowledge and ideas.


This visit was very interesting because of the guest lecture given by Dr. Fadillah Putra Ph.D who is an expert in his field. In this inspiring guest lecture, Dr. Fadillah Putra spoke about "Digital Transformation in Administration and Social Sciences" and discussed the huge impact of digital transformation on various aspects of social and administrative life as well as how established institutions must adapt to the changes that occur. 


"We believe that this knowledge exchange will be a good first step to improve the quality of education and research on both sides," said the Dean of FIA UB.


Apart from that, the delegation from Bina Taruna University Gorontalo had the opportunity to interact directly with FIA UB staff and lecturers, as well as get to know more closely the faculty's programs and facilities.


Dr. Fadillah Putra expressed his gratitude for this opportunity to share and learn from FIA UB. Dr. Fadillah Putra hopes to continue mutually beneficial cooperation in the future.


A visit to the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences at Bina Taruna University, Gorontalo, showed how important it is for higher education institutions to work together and exchange knowledge with each other to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. Hopefully this visit will trigger deeper and more sustainable cooperation.

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