Course Structure (S2) Business Administration - Semester 2


Course Structure

Elective Courses (3 credits)

Elective courses are not included in the core curriculum of the study program. This course is offered as part of an educational program. This course provides students with the flexibility to choose the area of study or topic that best suits their interests, needs, or career goals. By taking elective courses, students have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, develop skills in a particular field, or even enrich their knowledge outside their main discipline. This option is often used to enrich the academic experience and prepare students for future opportunities.

The managerial statistics course will provide Master of Business Administration students with knowledge about various methods in decision making and be able to make business decisions.

This course comprehensively discusses theory and research on leadership and negotiation and integrates it with the application of leadership and negotiation in local (Indonesian) and international contexts.

This subject provides a comprehensive examination of innovation management theories and concepts and their practice in local and international contexts. Topics include several innovation management courses, namely, innovation processes and strategies, development of new products and services, innovation issues, innovation and intellectual rights, techno-entrepreneurship, managing and fostering innovation.

This course discusses strategic marketing planning not only as a process for achieving organizational goals but also as a means of building long-term relationships with customers.

This course discusses main topics related to global business, the relationship between government and business in all states and economic dynamics between countries as well as strategies in global international business including; international trade theory, international trade policy, macroeconomics open economy and foreign direct investment, international macroeconomic policy, business operations and international business strategy

This subject provides a comprehensive examination of managerial accounting theory and concepts as well as its practice in local and international contexts. Topics cover several managerial accounting subjects, namely, quality and productivity, environmental cost management, international issues in management accounting.

This course studies financial markets and instruments, investment strategies. Apply standard models of financial economics to problems of portfolio optimization, immunization diversification, and risk management.

This course discusses main topics related to logistics, supply chains, and competitive strategy; measuring logistics costs and performance; matching supply and demand; creating a responsive supply chain; synchronous supply chains; project management; planning process; capacity and scheduling; supply chain planning and analysis; supply chain management; monitor and control processes; process improvement: six sigma & lean; managing risks in the supply chain and creating a sustainable supply chain.

This course discusses the use of Information Technology Systems (STI) which is aimed at supporting or implementing competition strategies that provide competitive advantage for companies with a technological and business approach in local and global contexts through theoretical and practical studies (best practices).

Project Management is a course that aims to equip students with important knowledge and skills in managing projects. The curriculum is divided into four main areas: Basic Knowledge, Management Support Functions, Cost Planning and Control, and Advanced Topics. This course uses a mix of lectures, assignments, and case studies for in-depth learning. Initial lectures set the direction of the course, while assessments focus on critical analysis and originality of ideas. The goal is to prepare students to analyze and solve real-world project management challenges.

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