FIA UB Initiates Cooperation between UB and RMUTT Thailand

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FIA UB initiated an academic collaboration between Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi, Thailand (RMUTT). Yesterday (18/8), President of Rajamangala University of Technology Thailand (RMUTT) officially signed an MOU with UB's Chancellor in the Banquet Room, UB's Rectorate Building. The contents of the MOU that have been jointly signed concern academic, research, student and staff exchanges. The RMUTT delegation consisted of the President, Vice President, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, several lecturers and 12 RMUTT IO staff.

In his speech, UB Rector Prof. Widodo, SSi.,MSi.,PhD.Med.Sc hopes that the collaboration with RMUTT Thailand can be developed even more broadly. "Cooperation with universities in Southeast Asia needs to be built so that we can both offer quality education to citizens in our region," said Widodo.

Furthermore, according to President RMUTT Assoc. Prof. Sommai Pivsa-Art, Ph.D., this collaboration is important because UB is one of the best universities in Indonesia. He said he was interested in working with UB because there were many study programs that were relevant to the programs at the institution, one of which was in the field of administration.

"We hope to have closer cooperation in various fields, not only with the FIA but with other faculties because our staff is here from the Faculty of Engineering," said the man who graduated from Osaka University.

After the MOU, the RMUTT delegation was invited on a campus tour to go around the UB campus. The RMUTT delegation was very enthusiastic to see the magnificent and green UB campus. They were also impressed with the facilities offered to foreign students in the form of special dormitories.

The event continued with a discussion between the RMUTT delegation and the Dean and Head of Department at FIA UB, discussing the possibility of academic collaboration, student and staff exchange, research.

The event ended with a workshop attended by FIA UB Doctoral Program students with the theme of sharing sessions and research.

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