Lab. FIA UB Tax Center Helps Employee SPT Reporting in UB

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FIA UB's Tax Center Laboratory held "Filling E-Filing for UB Educators and Education Staff in 2023". The event which was held offline on the 4th floor of building A invited all lecturers and students from UB. The activity was held in order to provide assistance to all lecturers and students in UB regarding filling out E-filing.

Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D, in his remarks said that this activity could provide enlightenment and assistance to all attendees, including himself. According to the Dean, public trust in the tax agency has decreased due to the viral case involving the name of a tax official. However, as a rule-abiding society, this activity is important so that all taxpayers can fulfill their tax obligations. "This event is very important, so it is hoped that it will continue to be available to help ladies and gentlemen who need assistance in completing e-filing," he concluded.

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