The implementation of the LAMDIK Field Assessment for the Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program ends today. The closing was marked by giving feedback from the assessors, namely Prof. Dr. Lantip Diat Prasojo, M.Pd (UNY) and Dr. Dedy Achmad Kurniady, M.Pd (UPI). The event was attended by the leadership of FIA UB and the accreditation team.
In his presentation representing the assessors, Dr. Dedy conveyed a positive impression for almost all elements of governance in FIA UB, especially in the Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program (PSAP). According to Dedy, the implementation of learning, the quality and number of human resources, as well as the facilities at PSAP are very good. However, Dedy conveyed several suggestions to make it better in the future. Among other things, so that more textbooks by PSAP lecturers are used as references for teaching materials in class and included in the lesson plans.