Brawijaya Culture & Food Festival

Culture is an intellectual property that is owned with the hope that it can be preserved from generation to generation. Efforts to preserve culture for the younger generation continue to be encouraged in various ways such as introduction through digital media, performances, and also academically. One way of preserving this is through performances which are usually held by various parties who have a desire for cultural preservation. This is in line with the implementation of the performances carried out by students of the Tourism study program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya by presenting BCFF (Brawijaya Culture Food and Festival) where this performance explores cultural and culinary riches in Indonesia by inviting competent speakers in the field of culture and holding a culinary and cultural themed festival which is held at FIA UB which is an annual event for the FIA UB Tourism Study Program.

Brawijaya Culture Food and Festival presents Ima Fitananda Amelia Putri and Dr. Drs. Riyanto, M.Hum in a seminar with the theme "The Blend of Culture and Technology in the Global Era" on October 29, 2022. The seminar was attended by more than 100 participants with various backgrounds. This seminar discussed more deeply about culture with technology in the present. The top event of the Brawijaya Culture Food and Festival invited several arts including the Sardulo Djojo Studio, Student Art Studio, and the Administration Music Club with the guest star, Keroncong Woekir.

In addition to art events, BCFF also presents many culinary stands selling Indonesian dishes so that visitors who come can enjoy Indonesian culinary specialties before the art events begin. The enthusiasm of visitors to the Brawijaya Culture Food and Festival was extraordinary as evidenced by the culinary and art venues that were filled with visitors during the event. This event was also closed with great fanfare by performers who made all visitors sing together. It is hoped that this performance will foster a love for Indonesian culture and culinary through artistic performances as well as culinary festivals being held.

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