Held a Talkshow on Indonesian Youth Inspiration, BEM FIA UB Invited Bima Arya and Achievement Youth

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The importance of the role of the younger generation, especially students, in the nation's leadership succession in the future is undeniable. To encourage students to work while they are young, the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (BEM FIA UB) held a Youth Seminar and Talk Show entitled "Indonesian Youth Inspiration 2014: Indonesia's Future in the Hands of Young People" (30/11). Located in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB, the event presented Bima Arya (Mayor of Bogor), Muhammad Iman Husein (President of Indonesia Future Leaders), and Alfi Rachman Waluyo (Representative of the KPK).

Bima Arya (tengah), Sri Mangesti Rahayu (ketiga dari kanan), dan Muhammad Iman Husein (kedua dari kanan)
Bima Arya (center), Sri Mangesti Rahayu (third from right), and Muhammad Iman Husein (second from right)
Ratusan mahasiswa memadati acara
Hundreds of students packed the event

In his speech, the Dean of FIA UB, represented by the Assistant Dean III, Dr. Sri Mangesti Rahayu, MS., expressed his appreciation for holding this event. According to Esti, her nickname, this event could be a very good opportunity for students to hear firsthand the work experiences of young figures who are seen as successful. He hopes that this event can provide an overview of the country's condition in the future and how youth should behave. "The challenges before our eyes do not only come from our own society but also from the outside community with the MEA 2015," said Esti.

On that occasion, Bima Arya also advised the hundreds of students who packed the hall to read a lot so they could read what trends would emerge in the future. In addition, students must also master the skills needed to live in the future. "And the campus is the best place to learn to master the skills needed," added the man who was named the Youngest Mayor in Indonesia. (ALA/FIA)

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