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Ujian Akhir Susulan Semester Ganjil TA 2014/2015

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Berikut ini dapat didownload daftar nama mahasiswa yang berhak mengikuti Ujian Akhir Susulan Semester Ganjil TA 2014/2015, sebagaimana terlampir disini. Keterangan: Bagi mahasiswa yang namanya tercantum dalam daftar tersebut diatas, namun belum melengkapi data Ujian Susulan (NIM, Mata Kuliah, Kelas dan Dosen pengampu) harap menghubungi Subbag Akademik paling lambat tanggal 20 Januari 2015 Melebihi ketentuan … Baca Selengkapnya

Reherseal Implementation and Graduation Toga Taking, the 5th Period Year of 2014/2015 Posted on 21st January 2015,

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number:833/UN10.3/KM/2015   Reherseal Implementation and Graduation Toga Taking, the 5th Period year of 2014/2015 (24th January 2015) of 2014/2015 will be held on: Day/Date             : Friday/23rd January 2015 Time                      : 08.30 WIB Venue                  : 4th Floor Venue of A Building FIA UB   TOGA TAKING AND GRADUATION INVITATION FOR GRADUATION CANDIDATES: The 5th Period … Baca Selengkapnya

Odd Semester Make-up Final Exams Year of 2014/2015 Posted on 21st January 2015

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Here can be downloaded the list of student name which can follow up this Odd Semester Make-up Final Exams year of 2014/2015, attached here. here. Information:   For students which attached on the list above, but not complete the Make-up Exams data yet (NIM, Courses, Class and Lecture) please contact the Academic Divisions not more than … Baca Selengkapnya

Pelaksanaan Gladi Bersih dan Pengambilan Toga Wisuda Periode V TA 2014/2015

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PENGUMUMAN Nomor : 833/UN10.3/KM/2015 Pelaksanaan Gladi Bersih dan Pengambilan Toga Wisuda Periode V TA 2014/2015 (24 Januari 2015) TA 2014/2015 pada : Hari/Tanggal    :    Jum’at/23 Januari 2015 Pukul                  :    08.30 WIB Tempat              :    Aula Lantai 4 Gedung A FIA UB Bagi calon wisudawan/wati DIWAJIBKAN mengikuti Gladi … Baca Selengkapnya

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