Buku ini mengulas secara rinci tiga elemen kurail yang saling berkaitan dalam penciptaan keunggulan bersaing dan berkesinambungan setiap organisasi: Service, Quality dan Satisfation. Isu-isu yang d…
Hajj an annual islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, the holiest city for moslems.The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between service quality and Hajj applicant's satiafaction. the r…
Atensi pada isu pelayanan publik mencuat seiring rendahnya kepercayaan publik terhadap institusi pemerintahan dan adanya korupsi birokrasi. Pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara pelayanan publik diarahk…
The problems faced by both local and foreign students as well as the language used by academic information systems have an effect on the quality of academic services. This research aimed to describ…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menjelaskan serta mengetahui pengaruh diantara variabel kualitas layanan, kepuasan pelanggan, dan retensi pelanggan. Metode survey dengan menggunakan kuis…
The function of government service is to provide public services is an equitable and democratic way and also non-privately. One of the services is in demography administration. Nowadays, citizen as…
Fungsi pelayanan dalam pemerintahan adalah sebagai penyedia jasa-jasa pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat secara berkeadilan dan demokratis. Salah satu wujud dari pelayanan adalah dalam bidang admin…
Adanya World Class University (WCU) menimbulkan sebuah persaingan seluruh perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Upaya pencapaian WCU di Fakultas EKonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya membuka Program Ke…
Natural disaster have been a serious threat for human living during many centuries. One of disaster-affected sectors is settlement, and damage to settlement has increased significantly around the w…
Public Services has a central role in many aspects of human life, and also as the function in maintaining the existence and growth og the community, the nation and the state. As a capital city of I…