We invite you to submit your research and conceptual papers for the International Conference on Public Administration and Governance (ICOPAG) 2024. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure your submission meets the conference standards.

Types of Papers

1. Research Paper

A research paper should present original findings based on empirical research. This type of paper includes a thorough analysis of data and provides insights derived from the results.


  • Title: Concise and descriptive.
  • Abstract: Maximum 150 words, summarizing the study’s objectives, methods, results, and implications. No numbers should be included.
  • Keywords: 3-5 relevant keywords.
  • Introduction: Background, problem statement, objectives, and significance of the study.
  • Literature Review: Review of relevant existing research and identification of research gaps.
  • Methodology: Detailed description of the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.
  • Results: Presentation of research findings, including data and analysis (without interpretation).
  • Discussion: Interpretation of results, comparison with existing studies, and implications of the findings.
  • Conclusion: Summary of findings, limitations of the study, and recommendations for future research.
  • References: Complete list of sources cited in the paper, see explanation in the paper template.

2. Conceptual Paper

A conceptual paper focuses on the development of theories, frameworks, or models. It discusses concepts and ideas rather than presenting empirical data.


  • Title: Concise and descriptive.
  • Abstract: Maximum 150 words, summarizing the main concepts, framework, and significance. No numbers should be included.
  • Keywords: 3-5 relevant keywords.
  • Introduction: Background, objectives, and importance of the concept or theory being developed.
  • Literature Review: Overview of existing theories and concepts related to the topic.
  • Conceptual Framework: Detailed description of the proposed theory, model, or framework, including key concepts and their relationships.
  • Discussion: Analysis of the framework’s implications, potential applications, and how it advances current understanding.
  • Conclusion: Summary of the conceptual contributions, limitations, and directions for future research.
  • References: Complete list of sources cited in the paper, see explanation in the paper template.

Submission Guidelines

  • Format: Papers must be written in English.
  • Length: Research papers should be between 4,000 to 6,000 words. Conceptual papers should be between 3,000 to 5,000 words.
  • Font and Spacing: See paper template.
  • Margins: See paper template.
  • Figures and Tables: Include relevant figures and tables within the text, with appropriate captions.
  • File Format: Submit your paper in Word or PDF format.

Abstract Submission

  • Abstract Length: Maximum 150 words.
  • Content: Summarize the objectives, methodology, key findings, and significance (for research papers) or main concepts and significance (for conceptual papers).
  • Exclusions: Do not include any numbers

Paper Template

Download here for the paper template.