Welcome to the conference on “Global Challenges and Local Solutions: Synergies between Public Administration, Library Science, Education, Social Sciences, and Life Sciences”!

This theme emphasizes the importance of collaboration and synergy between various disciplines to address global challenges with innovative and effective local solutions. In an increasingly complex globalized world, challenges such as climate change, social inequality, public health, and poverty require holistic and integrated approaches.

The conference will explore how public administration, library science, education, social sciences, and life sciences can work together to develop strategies and solutions that are both globally informed and locally relevant. By leveraging the strengths and insights from these diverse fields, we aim to foster a comprehensive understanding and create impactful actions to tackle the pressing issues of our time.

Participants will present their paperwork in English. Non-presenting participants are allowed to choose discussion groups according to their respective interests, and thus the seminar will be a good opportunity to receive feedback for the presented papers. and stay informed about trends and research agendas in the field.