Library Science Study Program graduate



1. Librarian

Become professionals who have expertise in public and commercial library administration and management. Has the duties and responsibilities of planning, organizing, disseminating, supervising, and evaluating the implementation of library access facilitation and knowledge creation for the user community in public, business, and social institutions sustainably by implementing standardization and utilizing modern ICT multi-platforms in real-time. This profile also covers scientific data analysis, administrator of scientific publishing, knowledge manager, and information and documentation officer.

2. Information Manager

Develop the skills necessary to manage and deliver information services in the field of application and knowledge-based innovation in commercial and government organizations. Having the duties and responsibilities of organizing, storing, documenting, providing, and disseminating public information services, increasing and aligning the value of information and knowledge with business priorities, creating a culture of knowledge, and managing knowledge infrastructure, as well as planning and implementing, supervising, and evaluating the implementation of information management and service activities through the use of standardization and technology.

 3. Archivist/Records Manager

Become professionals skilled in administrative static and dynamic archives/records in the public and private sectors. Has the function, duties, and responsibilities of controlling creation, conducting activities of assessing, collecting, managing, maintaining, distributing, disposition, using, and ensuring control, and providing access to static and dynamic archives/records that have historical value and other values, both permanent or long-term, as well as short-term in a variety of formats and media as evidence of activities and transactions, and supports information management in or across the organization.

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