FIA UB Library Science Study Program Students Win International Awards

The FIA UB Library Science Study Program Student Team collaborated to build PRECONCY, which is a website that is a forum for preserving local knowledge of Kampung Kayu Tangan, winning a Bronze Medal at the Paper Competition World Invention and Technology Expo (WINTEX) 2020.

Team leader Aminaturrokhiyah (Library Science Class of 2019) explained that the research was carried out in collaboration with three study programs and two universities and took 9 months with the guidance of FIA UB Library Science Study Program Lecturer Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, M.Hum. PRECONCY is a website that is a forum for preserving local knowledge about the Kayu Tangan area so that the identity of the village is not lost to the erodes of time.

The website aims to manage and preserve knowledge, as well as increase youth interest in preserving culture. "The background to creating PRECONCY is because many young people are not interested in the history of Kayu Tangan Heritage Village in the city of Malang," he said. Apart from containing the history of Kayu Tangan, PRECONCY is also a means of branding local businesses in the Kayu Tangan community so that it is hoped that it will be able to improve the standard of living of the people of Kayu Tangan Heritage Village.

"This is a form of implementation of SDGs point 8 and point 11, namely Good Jobs and Economy and Sustainable Cities and Communities," he said. World Invention and Technology Expo (WINTEX) is an international scale competition that promotes innovation-based research in various fields.

WINTEX which was held in 2020 carried the theme Ideas Meet People which was held online and attended by various students and individual researchers with a minimum age of 18 years from various countries around the world, such as Indonesia as the host, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, the United States, Taiwan, Ukraine and Sweden.

"The point of this innovation is that we are creating a knowledge management concept that is more structured and packaged in technology in accordance with the current 4.0 era," he said. (OD/UB Public Relations).

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