Library Science PS Assessor: The Need for Librarians is Always High, There Are No Unemployed Alumni

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The FIA UB Library Science Study Program was visited by a team of assessors from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) as one of the stages of obtaining national accreditation scores, Monday (27/7). The assessor team representing BAN-PT is Drs. Prahastiwi Utari, Ph.D (Sebelas Maret University) and Dr. Funny Mustika Sari Elita, M.Sc (Padjadjaran University). Taking place in the Seminar Room, Building B, 2nd floor, their arrival was greeted by all faculty leaders and all lecturers in the Department of Public Administration, which oversees the Library Science Study Program.

Pembukaan Visitasi Akreditasi PS Ilmu Perpustakaan
Opening of Library Science PS Accreditation Visitation

Starting his speech, the Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS revealed that even though the Library Science Study Program is a new study program, the network of academic cooperation is already very broad. In the last few years, added the Dean, the Library Science Study Program has collaborated with the National Library and libraries belonging to several local governments in East Java. Several representatives of these institutions also attended the opening of the visitation. "Together with us, several officials from the National Library, East Java Provincial Library, Malang City Library, and Blitar City Library are here specifically to meet the assessor team," said the Dean while introducing the invited guests.

Dekan, Kaprodi, bersama tim asesor BAN-PT
The Dean, Head of Study Program, together with the BAN-PT assessor team

In addition, the Dean also added that even though the decree on the establishment of a study program issued by the Director General of Higher Education was named Library Science, in the future this study program will also develop towards Information Systems Science. So, it is hoped that in the future the name of the study program will change to Library Science and Information Systems. "Our orientation in the future is the development of information science because we have actually prepared human resources," said the Dean.

Meanwhile, one of the team of assessors, Dr. Funny Mustika Sari Elita, M.Sc expressed his admiration for all the academic community of FIA UB. He did not expect that a visitation event like this would be attended by many people from lecturers, staff, students, and invited guests. Indeed, at the opening ceremony that morning, there were around 50 people present. Apart from the accreditation committee on duty, there were also several FIA UB professors, lecturers from the Department of Public Administration, and invited guests who were enthusiastically present to support their colleagues in the Library Science Study Program in completing accreditation. "I did not expect to meet many people in this visitation event. Usually we only meet a few people at other campuses,” said Funny.

The Padjadjaran University Library Science lecturer added that this study program is a program with a high level of interest. According to his observations, the level of demand for graduates from the Library Science Study Program is always high from year to year, so there is no such thing as unemployment among graduates of this program. “The need for librarians is very high. In fact, institutions like PAUD are now required to have librarians," he said.

The visitation process for PS Library Science itself did not take too long. What was originally scheduled for three days from July 26 to 28, turned out to be completed in just one day. Starting with examining and clarifying the accreditation documents on the morning of July 27, in the evening the assessors officially submitted a series of minutes of the accreditation visitation to the Dean and Head of the Library Science Study Program, marking the end of the visitation process. (ALA/FIA)

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