Day 3 – 3in1 S1 Taxation Study Program

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3 in 1 Tax Study Program

Enhancing Cooperative Tax Compliance

Wednesday, September 13 2023 is the third day of implementation of the 3In1 S1 Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University. Today is the last day of 3in1 activities. This 3 in 1 activity closed by discussing the topic "Contemporary Issues: Improving Cooperative Tax Compliance: Education and Awareness”. Today's agenda starts at 09.00 – 11.00 WIB. Even though it was the last day, taxation students were still enthusiastic about learning, this was proven by the approximately 200 participants who attended online.


In contrast to the previous 2 days which featured speakers from academics and the DJP, today the S1 Taxation Study Program presented speakers as tax consultant practitioners. Today's speaker is Mr. Bobby Savero Transfer Pricing & International Tax Manager from Tax Prime and Mr. Yunianto Kurniawan as Transfer Pricing Compliance & International Tax Manager from Tax Prime. Today's event was still held as a panel and moderated by Mrs. Nurlita Sukma Alfandia, SE., MA, lecturer at the Undergraduate Taxation Study Program. 


Mr. Bobby Savero provided material regarding cooperative tax compliance, the main differences between Enhanced Relationships And Co-operative Compliance, and the expectations of tax authorities and taxpayers to benefit from cooperative tax compliance. He argued that tax authorities are expected to devise a balanced transformation plan for successful cooperative compliance. Then, to ensure successful tax compliance, we must encourage a transition from working practices between tax administrators and others that have long persisted from distrust and repressive measures. Relationships with all parties are very important. Consultants must position themselves squarely in the middle. They must help taxpayers collect data and provide missing information to taxpayers. So taxpayers will trust them with their openness and transparency. Meanwhile, Mr. Yunianto Kurniawan explained more about how CTC was implemented in several countries such as the Netherlands, England, Italy and Russia. 


The final day of the 3 In 1 program perfects taxation students' insight into CTC. By combining the perspectives of academics, DJP and Tax Consultants, students get a comprehensive picture of the challenges and solutions in implementing CTC in Indonesia. Even though it was entering the final day, the participants' enthusiasm for learning was still quite high. Many students asked questions in the question and answer session which lasted 45 minutes. We hope that the insights gained by the participants can become a foundation for the younger generation to contribute to a more transparent and cooperative Indonesian tax sector.

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