Course Structure (S1) Tourism - Semester 3


Course Structure

The Tourism Practicum course in the Tourism Study Program is designed to give students practical experience in the tourism industry. This course enables students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in class in real-world situations, whether in hotels, travel agencies, tourist attractions or other tourism-related organizations. The main aim of this course is to enhance students' understanding of the day-to-day operations and challenges of the tourism industry, develop their practical and professional skills, and prepare them for a career in tourism.

Revenue management is an analytical tool used by company managers to maintain company continuity and growth. Analysis in revenue management is very important to be applied in the hotel industry and tourism industry because of the characteristics of the business cycle inherent in these two industries, because these two industries are very dependent on the number of customers. Revenue management provides various analytical tools for making product or service pricing decisions effectively both for high demand and low demand conditions, so this helps company managers to maintain the continuity of company operations. 

The Complaint Management and Service Quality course in the Tourism Study Program discusses strategies and techniques for managing customer complaints and improving service quality in the tourism context. This course examines the importance of handling complaints effectively as part of customer relationship management and how complaints can be used as opportunities to improve service. Students will also learn about service standards, measuring and assessing service quality, and strategies for achieving customer satisfaction. The aim is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to manage and respond to complaints and improve service quality in the tourism industry.

The tourism geography course is a mandatory course in the tourism study program as a goal so that students have insightful knowledge, develop reasoning power, and creativity. and the demands of certain market segmentations.

This course discusses the basics of the world of hospitality with in-depth study of material in each hotel and resort department. The in-depth material for the hotel and resort department consists of material front office, housekeeping, food and beverage, accounting, human resources, sales marketing.

Tourism Business Strategy is a course in the Tourism Study Program which is designed to analyze the phenomenon of competition in the tourism industry, both analysis of companies that compete in the multi-industry tourism industry. This course also discusses the application of strategy concepts for the development and competitiveness of a destination.

This course studies the basics of human resource management in organizations, namely planning HR needs, recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, training and development, HR maintenance functions, the concept of occupational safety and health, the concept of industrial relations and termination of employment (PHK) in tourism sector.

Tourism is something that is currently the foundation of the Indonesian economy. Understanding psychological theory is an element that will help create strong Indonesian tourism. The aim of this course is to explain the importance of applying psychological and sociological knowledge in tourism practice. Primarily, an understanding of the client's motivation to visit a particular destination, use of available services, client needs and satisfaction. This course will discuss the relationship between individual levels of human needs (using Maslow's hierarchy of needs or other motivational theories). This course will also provide practical information to tourism industry players, so that the right decisions can be made. This Tourism Psychology course will touch on the side of tourists (consumers) and also industry players (producers).

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