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3 in 1 Library Science Study Program Activity Poster for 2022

Information in various scopes, shapes and types seems to have entered all areas of human life. In fact, it seems to be a primary need that is difficult to ignore. Reflected in self-existence on social media, the need for a data package such as the need for nine basic commodities, crowded public spaces facilitated by internet access, the habit of waking up looking for and opening gadgets first. So that in business and public aspects we know digital platforms. Where is digital's role now? core system running of an organization. Human predictive abilities are challenged to provide a roadmap for life. The accumulation of existing knowledge becomes the starting point to start facing the future. Without exception, preparations must also be carried out by educational institutions. The world of education must be ready to produce graduates who are adaptive, dynamic and predictive uncertainty era this, especially the dynamics of information that makes all of humanity feel information overload

The Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya tries to be proactive with the existing situation by proposing a program GRANT FOR VISITING PROFESSOR AND LECTURER PRACTITIONER “3 IN 1” PROGRAM 2022 in Contemporary Issues Information Seminar Courses, Information Source Description and Retrieval, Information Architecture and Databases, and Information Audit. The theme this year is "Contemporary Issues in the Field of Information and Librarianship in Encouraging Productivity Acceleration After the Covid-19 Pandemic”. The 3in1 program in 2022 will be held for 3 days, from 26-28 September 2022 which will be attended by many lecturers and practitioners both from within the country and abroad. 

The first day of this activity began with a course session with the theme "Literacy and Epistemic Culture in Higher Education" brought by Ida Fajar Pritanto, MA, Ph. D is a lecturer in the Gadjah Mada University Library and Information Management master's program. The first session is Monday, September 26 2022. In this session, he delivered material on "Literacy is not (always) education". From his explanation it can be concluded that knowledge and competence have a certain level. These two skills are influenced by various literacy factors. Therefore, he said "literate people are not necessarily called educated people." He also conveyed educational problems and problems that exist in libraries and how libraries relate to their educational role. Then continued with the second session presented by Dr. Iwan Permadi SH., M.Hum who currently serves as Head of the Central Library of Brawijaya University. He delivered a presentation entitled "Higher Education Libraries and Epistemic Culture". According to him, it is important for university libraries to support a culture of scientific thinking and its supporting aspects, which is a challenge. The new era of university libraries welcomes a new task, namely as a transfer of knowledge to support the concept of a learning society.

On the second day, it will be held on Tuesday, September 27 2022. In the 3In1 series, the second day program carries the theme "International Online Guest Lecture, Current Issues in Records and Information Management: Impacts and Challenges." The theme was presented by Mr. Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Ph.D, a senior lecturer from UiTM and Mr. Zainal Zam Hariro Samsudin, Ph.D, a senior lecturer from UiTM as well. Each of the two presenters brought their own subtheme. Mr. Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Ph.D discussed "The Record Keeping Requirements in Compliance with Legal Provisions." the highlight of the discussion is that the law or written law is one of the main sources of recording requirements, the requirements contained in the law and their implications for the application of recording practices and their implications for business operations, the statue lays down the principles of Dos and Don'ts, the principles of These general principles can be translated/interpreted into the context of record keeping and application to business processes. Then continued with a presentation from Mr. Ahmad Zam Hariro Samsudin, Ph.D who explained about "Library Development and Record Management in Malaysia". In general, the main topic of discussion is the legal basis in Malaysia which is a recording requirement for private health facilities and services. Apart from that, he also explained the development of library and archive management in Malaysia which started with the KIK in 1978-1990 and also the development of records management which started with archive management which was in line with technological advances in 1997. 


The third day of the 3 in 1 Program series which was held on September 28 2022 with the theme of Online Course Teaching: Strategy and Application of Organizational Information Management Policy in series 3 there were 2 speakers the first of which was delivered by Mr. Hendro Wicaksono, M.hum as a Systems Librarian at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia he presented material regarding the integration of archive management. In delivering his material he explained related to the categorization of records such as recorded information up to social agreement, not only that he also explained regarding archive management which was divided into 2 namely active and inactive. Then proceed to the second speaker presented by Mr. Yuan Oktavian as the Indonesian Association of Library and Information Sciences. The presentation of the material he brought was entitled "Big Data, Visualization, and Storytelling with Data". On this occasion he conveyed about 3 types of Big Data, Data sources in the form of IOT (Internet Of Things), Data Governance, to Data Storytelling to Narrative.


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