Guest Lecture at FIA UB, Assistant Deputy of KemenPAN-RB Encourages Thematic Bureaucratic Reform

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Postgraduate programme of Administrations Study Programme (MAP) along with the Doctoral programme of Administrative Science Programme (PDIA), held an invited lecture entitles “Thematic Bureaucracy Reform Agenda”. Budi Prawira, S.E., M.M. as Assistant Deputy of Coordination of Policy Implementation and Evaluation on Bureaucracy Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Oversight II of the Ministry of Empowerment State Apparatuses and Bureaucracy Reform was presented as the main resource of this lecture.

In his presentation, the Assistant Deputy stated that TBR is a form of improvement to the 2020-2024 National Bureaucratic Reform Roadmap. According to him, this reform will focus on four national missions; poverty, increasing investment, accelerating the digitisation of government adm, and thematic bureaucratic reform. “Thematic bureaucratic reforms are carried out to make them more impactful, especially in solving matters in public services stunting, poverty, employment licensing, and inflammation” Budi concluded.

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