FIA Wins the 1st and 2nd PPB 2018 Deputy Titles

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The Delegation of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has once again succeeded in making the alma mater proud. The reason is, through two students, namely Gilang Pratama and Oxa Feby S, they respectively received the title of Deputy 1 and Deputy 2 Putra Putri Brawijaya (PPB) 2018. There were various stages that both Gilang and Oxa went through in PPB 2018, namely quarantine on (24/11- 25/11/2018 and 1/12-2/12/2018) until the night of the Grand Final, Wednesday (5/12/2018).

During the quarantine stage, PPB finalists were provided with material such as UB's profile, embassies, public speaking, personal branding, pegeantry And manner. In this case, the finalists were also tested for their talents by Talented UB Ambassador 2013 Savira Trisna Fitriani, Brawijaya Talented Boy 2017 & Joko Roro Sanitation Ambassador Malang Regency 2018, Bayu Hendriansa, and Best Dressed Boy Brawijaya 2017 & Kangmas Talented Batu City 2018, Boy Nanto Sitanggang .

At the Grand Final stage which was held at GOR Pertamina, Oxa and Gilang appeared stunningly. Gilang explained that there were various stages of selection on the peak night of the 2018 PPB election.

Gilang Pratama during the awarding of Vice 1 PPB 2018

“First is opening number, that is we introduce one by one. After that the top 6 winners were announced and there was a question and answer session from the judges. Next, the reading of the top 3 winners and another question and answer session. Finally, the attribute winners were read out, namely Intelligent Brawijaya Sons and Daughters, Talented Brawijaya Sons, and Favorite Brawijaya Sons. After reading the attribute winners, the winners for Deputy 1, Deputy 2, and Putra Putri Brawijaya 2018 winners were announced," he explained.

Each participant who entered the question and answer session had different questions. Like Gilang who was asked about the role of Iron Stock and assumptions in past repairs. It was different with Oxa who received opinion questions about politics and the meaning of loss.

Oxa Feby during the 2018 PPB Deputy 2 award

"In the future I want to motivate myself to always improve my achievements so that I can bring the good name of the Faculty that has educated me, namely, FIA UB," concluded Oxa

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