Bachelor of Taxation Study Program



The Taxation Study Program was established based on the Decree of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Number 245/SK/2010 dated 16 August 2010 and ratified by the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18/D/O/2011 dated 12 January 2011. PS Taxation is a new Study Program in the area Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIA-UB), which was founded because of the community's need for tax education. The academic management and atmosphere and the democratic teaching and learning process have made the academic community at the Tax Study Program comfortable. The vision and mission that has been set by PS Taxation is a realistic vision and mission to be achieved because it has been fully supported by FIA UB, namely support regarding: a) facilities and infrastructure, b) human resources, c) leadership support. 

Currently the Taxation Study Program has obtained A accreditation and Superior accreditation. Based on BAN-PT Decree No. 681/SK/BAN PT/Akred/S/IV/2019, states that the Taxation Study Program is accredited with an A rating from 9 April 2019 to 9 April 2024. The Taxation Study Program has also been accredited with a Superior rating based on BAN-PT Decree No. . 13441/SK/BAN-PT/AK-ISK/S/XII/2021 from 21 December 2021 to 9 April 2024. 


The Tax Study Program focuses on three main pillars: Business, Governance, and Information Systems. 

In the Business field, the Tax Study Program provides an in-depth understanding of taxation which is very relevant to the business world. Students are equipped with the skills to design effective tax strategies, understand the implications of tax on business decisions, and are able to optimize tax aspects in order to improve company performance.

In the field of Governance, the Tax Study Program teaches the principles of efficient and ethical tax governance. Students are taught to understand tax regulations, fiscal policies, and administrative procedures that are in accordance with good governance. They are also trained to become agents of change who are able to improve the quality of tax governance in the public and private sectors.

Meanwhile, in the field of Information Systems, the Tax Study Program equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to integrate information technology in tax management. Students will be able to utilize tax information systems to simplify the tax process, ensure regulatory compliance, and increase efficiency in tax reporting and supervision.


Graduate Profile

Graduates of the Taxation Study Program within 3 to 5 years after graduation are expected to be successful individuals in professional careers, combining critical thinking skills and technology in the field of taxation, and committed to professionalism to contribute to improving the nation's quality of life. They are also expected to have a spirit of leadership, entrepreneurship, high ethics, and a passion for lifelong learning, enabling continuous innovation in their profession.

Learning Activities

In implementing the learning process, the Taxation Study Program assigns experienced lecturers and invites practitioners who have mastered expertise in the discipline of taxation to provide teaching to students in a classroom environment. In addition, PS Taxation establishes strategic collaborations with various external entities, such as the Ministry of Finance, tax consulting institutions and local governments, to carry out a series of learning activities.

Learning methods

The Taxation Study Program applies a Results-Based Education approach (Outcome-Based Education). The main focus of learning is to develop students' creativity, critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities, which are reflected through the application of case studies, projects or various teaching methods in each course.

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