Circular Letter on Procedures for Writing Final Projects for Students

The following is Circular Letter Number 15991/UN10.F03.01/PP/2021 dated 12 December 2021, concerning Procedures for Writing Final Assignments for Students at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, as follows:

  1. All scientific papers of student final assignments must be published in scientific journals
  2. for students of masters and doctoral programs, publishing scientific journals as a graduation requirement follows the regulations issued by the UB Rector
  3. For undergraduate students the final assignment must be published in a scientific journal or uploaded to a library repository or reading room that can be accessed online
  4. Before being tested, all undergraduate, masters and doctoral student final project papers must go through similarity to detect indications of plagiarism in predetermined units
  5. for scientific work for the final project of the master's and doctoral programs, you can check indications of plagiarism at UB's Postgraduate School
  6. For undergraduate students, similarity checks can be carried out in the academic service units of each department with a maximum tolerance of 20%
  7. In order to minimize indications of plagiarism caused by citation procedures, citations in the final manuscript must be made from the main source, not from a second source or so on.

The circular related to Procedures for Writing Final Projects for FIA UB Students can be downloaded here

Thus this Circular Letter is issued to be implemented as well as possible

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