The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of firm size, financial leverage, profitability, diversification of market risk and stock returns. This research uses quantitative research method…
Menganalisis pengaruh firm size, financial levergae, profitabilitas, diversifikasi terhadap risiko pasar dan return saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Populasi dalam p…
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of firm size, financial leverage, profitabillity, diversification of market risk and stock returns. This research uses quantitative research metho…
What do award –winning commercial, nonprofit, and government organizations know about corporate performance management (CPM) that eludes other executive? How do you organizae your leadership and …
The seven Chapters in part 1 focus on the foundations of global leadership
This is not a book designed to tell readers about the classic theories of management. There are already many good books that do so. Instead, this book sets down in explicit fashion just what it is…