This study examines the practice of performance appraisal system based on targets and behaviors in indonesian local goverment by observing the case of Bnayumas Regency. For many years, civil servan…
Pada tahun 2014, Pemerintah Indonesia menerapkan sebuah sistem penilaian prestasi kerja yang akan menilai perilaku dan capaian kerja karyawan pegawai negeri sipil. Dengan menggunakan metode kualita…
This research found that local government of Malang City created certain policy which was a cause of an expensive indoor space & some inconvenient locations of indoor space through their policy. Th…
E-procurement policy is top-down policy model from central government. Therefore, the government of Indonesia issued some regulations and guidelines to implement this policy.
In conducting the implementation, it demands cooperation and participation of all the institutions.
Penelitian Ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan proses perumusan kebijakan perencanaan pembangunan di Kabupaten Probolinggo dari perspektif kebijakan deliberatif; Se…