Kegiatan bisnis selain memiliki fungsi untuk meningkatkan perekonomian, juga memiliki andil terhadap mempengaruhi lingkungan, apabila konsep bisnis tidak mempertimbangkan lingkungan makan akan meny…
Tourism is a potential to be developed in order to stimulated indonesia economic growth. Along with the depletion of natural resource reserve which have become the foundation of extractive industri…
The development of rural tourism is estimate can led to a new dimension of sustainable development. the government of indonesia has made some effort to realize the target of increasing the country …
Tujuan penelitian ini adalha untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan pengaruh Tacit Knowledge terhadap kinerja karyawan, pengaruh explicit knowledge terhadap kinerja karyawan, pengaruh tacit knowledge t…
UU no 24 Tahun 2011 tentang badan penyelenggara jaminan sosial adalh sebagai acuan dalam pelaksanaan jaminan sosial. Salah satu kepesertaan yang disebutkan dalam undng-undang tersebut adalh tenaga …
The research was conducted to examine the effect of strategic supplier partnership on the supply chain integrition, supply chain performance and farmers performance. this research is an explantort …
The information on local goverment implementation report ( Informasi laporan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daeraha (ILPPDI)) is the only mechanism in indonesia yhat madate locl government to make th…
This Study determine the effect of experience quality on costumer satisfaction and costumer loyalty the relationship between experience quality and costumer loyalty through costumer satisfaction is…
The purpose of this study is to describe the supply chain management of imported frozen beef from australia to infonesia: to analize where the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and treats for the…
the research purpose is analyze the factors that support and inhibit the delegation of authority by a regent to Camat in yhe implementation of region governance in pandeglang regency and to recomme…