Pengaruh Customer Value Co creation Behavior Terhadap Customer Value Serta Dampaknya Pada Customer Satisfaction: Survei terhadap pelanggan Aplikasi Ruangguru di Indonesia
Mustika Ekawati, Program Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang.
Pengaruh Customer Value Co Creation Behavior Terhadap Customer Value dan
Dampaknya Pada Customer Satisfaction (Survei Terhadap Pelanggan Aplikasi
Ruangguru di Indonesia). Komisi Pembimbing, Ketua: Andriani Kusumawati,
S.Sos., M.Si., DBA.; Anggota: Mohammad Iqbal, S.Sos., MIB., DBA.
Perspektif pemasaran terus mengalami perubahan dimana pelaku bisnis
berusaha mengadopsi produk berdasarkan perspektif konsumen yang berfokus
pasa sumberdaya tak berwujud, hubungan dan penciptaan nilai bersama.
Penciptaan nilai pelanggan bertujuan untuk mempertahankan dan menciptakan
kepuasan pelanggan. Value co-creation behavior mengukur bagaimana
perusahaan dan pelanggan berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi mengenai
pemikiran dan kemampuan masing masing untuk menciptakan nilai bersama.
Kepuasan konsumen dapat terbentuk melalui value co-creation behavior dan
customer value.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan pengaruh
customer value co creation behavior terhadap customer value dan dampaknya
pada customer satisfaction. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research. Unit
analisinya adalah pelanggan aplikasi Ruangguru yang telah berlangganan
minimal satu bulan. Lokasi penelitian ini di PT Ruang Raya Indonesia
(Ruangguru). Populasi penelitian ini merupakan pelanggan aplikasi Ruangguru di
seluruh kota di Indonesia. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive
sampling dengan metode two stage sampling. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan
sebanyak 195 responden. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai metode pengumpulan
data primer dalam penelitian yang kemudian diolah menggunakan software
SPSS 24 dan SmartPLS 3.0.
Hasil penilitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) customer participation
behavior (X1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap customer value (Y1); (2)
customer participation behavior (X1) tidak berpengaruh signfikan terhadap
customer satisfaction (Y2); (3) customer citizenship behavior (X2) berpengaruh
positif dan signifikan terhadap customer value (Y1); (4) customer citizenship
behavior (X2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction
(Y2); (5) customer value (Y1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap
customer satisfaction (Y2).
Dalam rangka mempertahankan dan meningkatkan customer value di
masa yang akan datang maka pihak manajemen aplikasi Ruangguru dapat
meningkatkan customer participation behavior dan customer citizenship behavior
sehingga dapat meningkatkan customer satisfaction.
Mustika Ekawati, Postgraduate Program, University of Brawijaya, Malang.
The Effect of Customer Value Co Creation Behavior on Customer Value and
Customer Satisfaction (Survey of Ruangguru Application Customers Indonesia).
Supervisor: Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Si., DBA.; Co-supervisor:
Mohammad Iqbal, S.Sos., MIB., DBA.
The marketing perspective continues to change where businesses are
trying to adopt products based on a consumer perspective that focuses on
intangible resources, relationships and shared value creation. Customer value
creation aims to maintain and create customer satisfaction. Value co-creation
behavior measures how companies and customers communicate and collaborate
about each other's thinking and ability to create shared value. Consumer
satisfaction can be formed through value co-creation behavior and customer
This study aims to determine and explain the effect of customer value cocreation behavior on customer value and its impact on customer satisfaction. This
type of research is explanatory research. The unit of analysis on the PT. Ruang
Raya Indonesia (Ruangguru). The population is customer who have be
customers for at least one month. The location of this research is Ruangguru
application customers in all cities in Indonesia. The sampling technique used was
purposive sampling with two stage sampling method. The number of samples in
this study were 195 respondents. The questionnaire was used as the primary
data collection method in the study which was then processed using SPSS 24
and SmartPLS 3.0 software.
The results of this study indicate that (1) customer participation behavior
(X1) has a positive and significant effect on customer value (Y1); (2) customer
participation behavior (X1) has no significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y2);
(3) customer citizenship behavior (X2) has a positive and significant effect on
customer value (Y1); (4) customer citizenship behavior (X2) has a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y2); (5) customer value (Y1) has a
positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y2).
In order to maintain and improve customer value in the future, the
management of the Ruangguru application can improve customer participation
behavior and customer citizenship behavior so as to increase customer
2023142 | TES 658.80 EkA p 2021 k.1 | Fadel Muhammad Resource Center (Ilmu Terapan) | Tersedia |
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