Supervised by FIA Public Relations, Final Tests Held Well

The final tests of odd semester 2014/2015 will be over soon. Scheduled in next Monday (1/19) is the last day of the test that has the prevalent scores in every subjects. Overall, the process of final tests was held orderly and well. “Alhamdulillah, overall it was well done,” stated Jaedi SP., Head of Academic in Administration Faculty of Brawijaya University (FIA UB). The students as the test attendees followed the tests well, and concentrated. Meanwhile, the supervisors, consisting of staffs from FIA UB, have also done their job well according to the certain schedule.

Was there any problem during the final tests? Jaedi stated that there were some problems experienced by the students. For example, there were students coming late, or not being able to join the tests for they did not fulfill the requirements of attending the class. For them, the academics was strict in not allowing them to join the tests. “These cases were usually happened, but we tried to be consistent to the rules so they can learn from it,” stated Jaedi that was met when he was about to do the Friday Prayer.

Why did the academics being strict? This was necessary to give moral lessons for the students to be discipline to follow every rules of college, one of which is final test. “We want to be the part of moral education for the students for the sake of their own,” added this friendly man who was born in Purbalingga, Central Java. The Dean of FIA UB supported this attitude. From the observation of FIA UB Public Relations, few times the classified students came to the Vice Dean Dr. M. R. Khairul Muluk to ask for permission to join the test. However, even Lidya Pratiwi, Vice Dean Staff, or Muluk himself that met the students still held on the rules.

It is true that attitude and moral lessons is one of the important things nowadays, even more important than cognitive lessons in the class. This once stated by Prof. Munawar some times ago. According to him, head of LP3 UB, many graduates of UB were rejected by the professional world for their lack of attitudes. “I often heard myself that the employers that once interviewed UB graduates. They believed with their intelligences but their attitudes and the moral that are necessary to be successful in professional world,” as he stated. The attitude and moral lessons are the main responsibility so that the students can reach success in the coming future. (ALA/FIA)