For New Author:

  1. For a new author, you need to create a username and password to login. Make sure you Do NOT forget your username and password.
  2. Fill all columns with the information required (name, title, gender, affiliation, address, email, phone, etc.) and follow the instruction. Your IACoBPA account will be ready for use.
  3. Sign in with your registered account and click “New Submission” when you are ready to upload your paper. You will be required to supply some information as an Author.
  4. If there is a Corresponding Author (Co-Author), make sure to click the Co-Author as the principal contact for editorial correspondence.
  5. If your research or participation in the conference is sponsored or funded by an agency, be sure to mention the agency for acknowledgment.
  6. Please name your file in the following format: Full Name_Topic Code (Example: John Andy_Topic 1). Topic 1 refers to Business Administration and Topic 2 refers to Public Administration.
  7. Finally, upload your full paper before the due date for review.
  8. You can keep track on the status of your paper in the OCS as well.

Now, you are ready to start. Good luck