Vision Mission and Objectives of the Library Science Study Program



To become a center for education, research and community service in the field of Library Science in order to produce quality graduates who are able to contribute to nation-building and the development of creative, innovative and national-level human resources in 2027.


  1. Organizing theoretical and empirical based undergraduate education
    includes the practice of expertise in the field of Library Science through the curriculum
    based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI),
  2. Developing the field of Library Science as a science,
    both theoretically and empirically, so that its existence gives
    tangible benefits for scientific interests,
  3. Developing the Library Science Study Program as a center
    education, research, and community service, as well as responsiveness
    to the demands of developing knowledgeable human resources,
    creative and innovative so as to meet the needs of users and
    have global competitiveness
  4. Develop Bachelor of Library Science who has the ability
    academic, independent, and professional in the field of Library Science
    able to contribute to the development of human resources
    creative, innovative, as well as national and international level.


Producing graduates who have high morals and academic abilities, are creative, productive, and professional in the field of Library Science,

  1. To produce graduates who are able to understand phenomena, problems, solutions and development efforts in the field of Library Science at the national and international levels,
  2. Producing graduates who are able to apply theoretical studies in empirical research in the field of Library Science in the context of knowledge management in public, business and social organizations,
  3. To produce graduates who are able to understand the development of information and communication technology-based information governance and libraries to support collaboration, as well as transformation towards an innovative and competitive society,
  4. Producing graduates with academic ability to pursue postgraduate level education (Masters Program) in a field that is linear with Library Science.

The target of the FIA UB Library Science Study Program
Departing from the mission and goals achieved by the FIA UB Library Science Study Program, the goal to be achieved is to produce Bachelor graduates who are capable (competent):

1. Professional librarians who have competence in administration and library management in public, business and social organizations,

2. Professional Records Managers and Archivists who have competence in the field of records management and records administration in public, business and social organizations,

3. Professional Information Management and Documentation Officer who is capable of managing and serving information, which includes the process of storing, documenting, providing and/or serving public information, both in public, business and social organizations,

4. Information / Knowledge Managers and Professional Digital Asset Managers who have the ability to collaborate in planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating programs in public, business and social organizations to realize innovation in order to increase value and competitiveness.

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