Activities of the Department of Public Administration


Profile of The Faculty of Administrative Sciences


The low level of literacy in society is a problem that must be paid attention to by all elements of society. Literacy is

The next day is Wednesday, September 8 2021 The 3 in 1 Program: Visiting Professor and Professional Undergraduate Program

Fourth day of The 3 in 1 Program: Visiting Professor and Professional Undergraduate Program of Library Science Faculty

The fifth or final day in the series of The 3 in 1 Program: Visiting Professor and Professional Study Program

2021 is still a time when we are dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic which still requires us all to remain

ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 12928/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 :: Rehearsal Dress Rehearsal at FIA-UB Must be attended by Candidates


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