Library Knight Achievement


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wrb
Om Swastiyastu
Name Buddhaya

FIA UB students carried out collaborative research for 9 months and succeeded in winning a *Bronze Medal* in the *Paper Competition at the 2020 World Invention and Technology Expo (WINTEX)*.

World Invention and Technology Expo (WINTEX) is an international scale competition that promotes innovation-based research in various fields.

WINTEX which was held in 2020 carried the theme Ideas Meet People which was held online and attended by various students and individual researchers with a minimum age of 18 years from various countries around the world.

*Team Leader* : Aminaturrokhiyah / 2019 FIA UB Library Science.

*Member* :
1. Yudha Wahyu Risdiyansah / 2019 FIA UB Library Science.
2. Muhammad Rizal Nurdin / Malang State Polytechnic Electrical Engineering 2018
3. Eko Prasetyo / Informatics Engineering FILKOM UB 2019.

*Supervisor*: Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, SIP., M. Hum.

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