Global Thoughts on Education Quality Management: International Seminar on Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program Attracts Participation from 13 Countries

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Brawijaya University (UB) once again became the center of attention of the global education world when the Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, UB (FIA UB) held their second international seminar this year.

With the theme "Internal Quality Assurance: Enhancing Quality Culture in Schools and Higher Education Institutions", this seminar aims to deepen understanding and discussion about how to improve the quality of education through internal quality insurance. Professor of Educational Administration from Lagos State University, Nigeria, Prof. Mubashiru Olayiwola Mohammed, was present as one of the main speakers. This seminar was also enriched with thoughts from Dr. A. Hanief Saha Ghafur, General Chair of the Central Management Association of Indonesian Education Quality Management Experts (PP PERAMUPADI) and lecturer at the University of Indonesia.

There is also Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin, professor of Educational Administration from Malang State University. Don't miss it, Dr. Hermawan, M.Si, FIA UB lecturer who is also a BAN-PT assessor, contributed his thoughts.

Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D, in highlighting the importance of discussions regarding improving the quality of education in Indonesia. Especially amidst the challenges of human resource quality, financial management and infrastructure which are still homework for the government and education stakeholders.

"In celebration of Indonesia's 78th independence, we feel called to continue to encourage productive discussions about quality education for the entire community," he said.

The success of this seminar can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants. There were more than 700 participants who came from 13 countries, including Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. This shows that the issue of education quality is a universal matter and is important to debate in global forums.

It is hoped that this seminar will not only be a space for discussion, but will also be a concrete step in efforts to improve the quality of education in Indonesia and throughout the world.

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