FIA UB Book Review: Discussing the Importance of Quantitative Analysis in Public Policy

Malang, (24/9/2024) – The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIA UB) successfully held a book review event on Quantitative Public Policy Analysis on Tuesday (24/9/2024). Taking place in the 4th Floor Hall of Building A, FIA UB, this event was attended by hundreds of participants consisting of academics, students, and public policy activists. Two leading experts, Fadillah Putra, S.Sos., M.Si., MPAff., Ph.D., and Dr. Riant Nugroho from the Indonesian Public Policy Society (MAKPI), were the main speakers in the discussion which discussed the importance of a quantitative approach in public policy analysis.

In his remarks, Dr. Riant Nugroho emphasized that quantitative data plays a crucial role in formulating fact-based public policies. According to him, numbers are not just a measurement tool, but also a reflection of a larger reality and must be understood in the right context.

“In public policy analysis, *numbers matter. Numbers are key to understanding the impact of a policy. However, we should not just stop at the numbers. We must understand the context behind the data so that the resulting policy is more comprehensive and effective,”* said Riant.

Furthermore, Riant emphasized the importance of maintaining the integrity of numbers in policy analysis. He explained that policies based on data without considering honesty and context can be misleading. According to him, numbers must be balanced with a critical understanding of social and political dynamics.

“Don’t be allergic to numbers in public policy. Data is a tool that helps us understand problems and formulate effective solutions. With data integrity, we can go beyond numbers and produce sharper policies,” he added.

Meanwhile, Fadillah Putra, S.Sos., M.Si., MPAff., Ph.D., a lecturer at FIA UB, highlighted the need for caution in selecting indicators used in quantitative analysis. According to him, although quantitative data offers objectivity, inappropriate selection of indicators can lead to wrong conclusions and irrelevant policies.

"We need numbers to analyze policies, but we must be more critical of the indicators used. The integrity of the indicators is very important so that the policies made truly reflect the needs of the community and are in accordance with the goals to be achieved," Fadillah explained.

He added that the use of quantitative data requires high precision in compiling accurate and representative indicators. Proper analysis can provide a clear picture of the existing problems, but without integrity, the data can be useless.

The book review event also offers participants the opportunity to purchase the book Quantitative Public Policy Analysis at a special price. The book, which was originally priced at Rp83,000, is being sold at a special discount of Rp50,000 during the event.

The discussion between the two speakers was in-depth, with many questions about how to use a quantitative approach to support more transparent and effective public policies. FIA UB through this event demonstrated its commitment to encouraging the use of a scientific approach in formulating public policies in Indonesia.

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