Guest Lecture on Disaster Management, BNPB Expert Staff Reveals Achievements and Problems of Disaster Management in Indonesia

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When the potential for natural disasters has been detected, it turns out that there are still many of our people who are reluctant to immediately move from their homes and move to safe places that have been provided by the government. In fact, there was a group of people who did not want to move to the point where the local regional head no longer wanted to be responsible for their safety. Interesting stories about disaster management were presented yesterday at the Guest Lecture "Disaster Management, the Role and Work Program of BNPB in Disaster Management in Indonesia" (31/3). The event which was held by the FIA UB Development Planning Study Program presented Dr. Hendro Wardono, M.Si, Expert Staff of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), as the main speaker.

Hendro Wardhono memberikan materi
Hendro Wardhono gave material

Starting the event, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono revealed that the discussion on this guest lecture was rooted in the Development Administration course. In this course, there are problems that have the potential to hinder development administration, one of which is natural disasters which are included in the group of physical barriers. The Dean hopes that this guest lecture can provide insight to students about disaster management in Indonesia. "Please Mr. Hendro later explain which content is more dominant in the disaster management process, whether it is political, economic or technical content," he said.

Meanwhile, Hendro revealed that in practice in the field, there are still many administrative problems between the center and the regions which impede the process of disaster management in Indonesia. According to him, the bureaucratic structure of the Indonesian government still adheres to "Carom Management", which is too long a bureaucratic line that must be traversed for one disaster management activity. "As a result, when a disaster occurs in the area, BNPB cannot directly ask BPBD (Regional Disaster Management Agency, ed.) to carry out rescue actions because the funds to be used must first obtain permission from the governor," he complained.

However, continued Hendro, Indonesia's disaster management received positive appreciation from many other countries. When Mount Kelud erupted, as many as 90,000 people were affected and resulted in the closure of 6 airports. However, at that time BNPB managed to evacuate 60,000 people in less than 2 hours. "Many countries want to know the secret of our success, including Japan and Switzerland, so we receive many invitations from them to share our success," he said.

(Left-right) Luqman Hakim, Hermawan, Hendro Wardhono, Choirul Saleh, M. Chazienul Ulum, and Lely Indah Mindarti

This guest lecture activity is a form of collaboration between FIA UB and BNPB. Moreover, Hendro Wardono is an alumnus of FIA UB since he was still in bachelor degree. (ALA/FIA)

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