Aldella, Student of FIA UB Wins APPI Achievement Scholarship

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Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) have made another achievement. This time, Aldella Putri Saraswati from the Library and Information Science Study Program, class of 2015, won the Indonesian Financial Companies Association (APPI) Achievement Scholarship.

He explained that Aldella did not expect to get the scholarship. He admitted that he had no hope of getting a scholarship because he had failed many times last semester.

“I just followed my parents' directions with the important principle that I dared to try. But doubts mounted when I was belittled. I consider that I have lost in the achievement section which only has organizational experience but an achievement crisis," he said.

Who would have thought that Aldella, who is the son of a security guard, managed to realize his dream of getting a scholarship, which he was worried about before he could not study in the following semester.

The APPI Achievement Scholarship itself is a scholarship held by APPI every year involving high school and college students. The number of scholarship recipients varies each year. APPI is a combination of all finance companies spread throughout Indonesia, for example BCA Finance, Adira, FIF, ACC, etc. The advantage of the APPI Achievement Scholarship is that there is no requirement for prospective recipients to have taken or been in a semester like other scholarships do, which means new students and final year students can also register. However, this scholarship is only for students whose parents work for the APPI joint venture throughout Indonesia, so it is not open to the public.

"In UB itself, for the 2018 period, it just so happened that I got it. There are also students from Airlangga University and the rest are mostly from DKI Jakarta and its surroundings," he added.

The APPI Achievement Scholarship itself provides funds for two semesters, both students and students. This scholarship award is in the form of money in the amount of 7 million rupiah. For the first 3.5 million given at the start of the announcement. Meanwhile, the next 3.5 million was given in cash during an event at the Raffles Hotel, Jakarta in early December 2018.

"With the help of this education fund, I can be enthusiastic again to complete my final project in semester 8. Apart from that, I also hope that people will realize that life is not always smooth. For scholarship fighters, I hope they will keep trying even though they are repeatedly rejected,” Aldella concluded.

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